593 research outputs found

    Intervenciones arquitectónicas contemporáneas en Zamora

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    El presente Trabajo Final de Grado, Intervenciones arquitectónicas contemporáneas en Zamora, analiza algunas de las actuaciones más importantes que se han desarrollado en las últimas décadas en la ciudad. Para ello parte de un análisis histórico urbano de la ciudad desde sus orígenes, realiza un resumen de los edificios más emblemáticos desde el movimiento moderno a nuestros días, para finalizar en un estudio pormenorizado de tres de ellos: el Museo de Zamora (1996, Tuñón y Mansilla), la Fundación Rei Alfonso Henriques (1996, Manuel de las Casas) y el edificio del Consejo Consultivo (2006, Alberto Campo Baeza).Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectur

    Coping strategies in psychology students

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue conocer el tipo de estrategias de afrontamiento que utilizan los estudiantes universitarios y su relación con variables académicas, tales como año de cursada y cantidad de materias aprobadas, como también con el género. El estudio se llevó a cabo con una muestra intencional de 140 estudiantes de la carrera de Psicología de la Universidad Católica Argentina, sede Mendoza en el año 2013. Se utilizó el Inventario de Respuestas de Afrontamiento para Jóvenes (Moos, 1993, 1995; adaptación de (Ongarato, de la Iglesia, Stover y Fernández Liporace, 2009). Las pruebas revelaron que el tipo de estrategia de afrontamiento predominante, utilizada por los estudiantes es Afrontamiento Por Aproximación Cognitiva.The objective of this research was to understand the types of coping strategies that used college students and its relationship with academic variables, such as year of courses and number of subjects approved, as well as with the genus. The study was conducted with a deliberate display of 140 students of psychology the Universidad Católica Argentina, Mendoza headquarters in 2013. We used the coping responses inventory for youth (Moos, 1993, 1995); adaptation of Ongarato, de la Iglesia, Stover & Fernández Liporace (2009). Tests revealed that the predominant type of coping strategy used by students is Cognitive Approach For Coping.Fil: Sicre, Estefanía. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina ; ArgentinaFil: Casari, Leandro Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina ; Argentin

    Supporting the development of mobile adaptive learning environments: A case study

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. E. Martín and R. M. Carro, "Supporting the development of mobile adaptive learning environments: A case study" IEEE Transactions on learning technologies, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 23-36, january-march 2009In this paper, we describe a system to support the generation of adaptive mobile learning environments. In these environments, students and teachers can accomplish different types of individual and collaborative activities in different contexts. Activities are dynamically recommended to users depending on different criteria (user features, context, etc.), and workspaces to support the corresponding activity accomplishment are dynamically generated. In this paper, we present the main characteristics of the mechanism that suggests the most suitable activities at each situation, the system in which this mechanism has been implemented, the authoring tool to facilitate the specification of context-based adaptive m-learning environments, and two environments generated following this approach will be presented. The outcomes of two case studies carried out with students of the first and second courses of “Computer Engineering” at the “Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid” are also presented.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, project number TIN2007-64718

    Using learning styles for dynamic group formation in adaptive collaborative hypermedia systems

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    Collaborative tools have been used in educational contexts for supporting communication and collaboration among students, discussions about topics, cooperative problem resolution, knowledge sharing and collaborative knowledge construction. A proper use of these tools reduces student isolation in web-based courses and facilitates the development of personal and social skills. At the same time, it is generally assented that learning styles are the preferences of students regarding to how they learn. It is desirable that a web-based instructional system includes information about the student learning style to optimally adapt the whole course to the individual characteristics of the students. Due to the benefits of the use of learning styles in adaptive hypermedia systems and the benefits of collaboration, we propose the use of learning styles to automatically adapt collaborative activities in web-based systems. Learning styles can be taken into account by proposing or discouraging collaborative activities, grouping students and choosing the most suitable statement of the problem and collaborative tools for each group of students.The Spanish Interdepartmental Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), project number TIC2001-0685-C02-01, has sponsored this work

    Methodology for estimating building integrated photovoltaics electricity production under shadowing conditions and case study

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    Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems are a relevant application of photovoltaics. In countries belonging to the International Energy Agency countries, 24% of total installed PV power corresponds to BIPV systems. Electricity losses caused by shadows over the PV generator have a significant impact on the performance of BIPV systems, being the major source of electricity losses. This paper presents a methodology to estimate electricity produced by BIPV systems which incorporates a model for shading losses. The proposed methodology has been validated on a one year study with real data from two similar PV systems placed on the south façade of a building belonging to the Technical University of Madrid. This study has covered all weather conditions: clear, partially overcast and fully overcast sky. Results of this study are shown at different time scales, resulting that the errors committed by the best performing model are below 1% and 3% in annual and daily electricity estimation. The use of models which account for the reduced performance at low irradiance levels also improves the estimation of generated electricity

    La musicoterapia y las emociones en el adulto mayor

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    La Musicoterapia es el uso de la música o de los elementos musicales por un musicoterapeuta con un paciente o grupo de pacientes. Tiene como objeto atender necesidades físicas, emocionales, mentales, sociales y cognitivas. La musicoterapia apunta a desarrollar potenciales y/o restablecer funciones del individuo para que este pueda emprender una mejor integración intrapersonal e interpersonal y, en consecuencia, alcanzar una mejor calidad de vida (Federación Mundial de Musicoterapia, 1996). El propósito de esta investigación es explorar las características emocionales de un grupo de adultos mayores en los encuentros de musicoterapia llevados a cabo en una institución residencial de Mendoza, Argentina; y explicar, en base a las sesiones, los beneficios que la música tiene en su salud mental. El diseño de esta investigación corresponde a un estudio Teórico-empírico, de índole cualitativa con alcance exploratorio. Para evaluar los resultados se utilizó la observación participante, y se tomaron entrevistas al personal de la residencia y a la musicoterapeuta a cargo de las sesiones. Como resultado se puede observar que la Musicoterapia es de gran ayuda como complemento del abordaje psicológico en el adulto mayor, por su contribución en el bienestar emocional del mismo.Music therapy is the use of music or musical elements by a music therapist with a patient or group of patients. It aims to address physical, emotional, mental, social and cognitive needs. Music therapy aims to develop potential and/or restore functions of the individual so that it can undertake best intrapersonal and interpersonal integration and, consequently, to achieve a better quality of life (Federación Mundial de Musicoterapia, 1996). The purpose of this research is to explore the characteristics of emotional of a group of older adults in the music therapy meetings carried out in a residential institution in Mendoza, Argentina; and explain, based on the sessions, the benefits that music has on their mental health. The design of this research corresponds to a Teorico-empirico, of a qualitative nature study with exploratory scope. To evaluate the results we used participant observation, and interviews with staff of the residence, and to the music therapist took in charge of the sessions. As a result, you can see that music therapy is helpful as an adjunct of the psychological approach to the elderly for their contribution to the emotional well-being of the same.Fil: Denis, Estefanía Jaquelina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; ArgentinaFil: Casari, Leandro Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis; Argentin

    Los combustibles en las lámparas del Paleolítico superior

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    El presente trabajo pretende arrojar algo de luz a la existencia de lámparas en el Paleolítico Superior, un objeto que ha pasado desapercibido para los grandes estudiosos de la Prehistoria. No cabe duda de que el fuego en la Prehistoria sería una materia insustituible para el hombre, ya que debemos tener en cuenta que estamos hablando de un periodo de la historia donde el frío estaba muy presente, por lo que se convertía en un instrumento ideal para caldear los recintos y sobrellevar el frío, al igual que era utilizado para cocinar, defenderse de animales salvajes, etc. Pero también era muy útil para la iluminación, ver en la oscuridad de la noche o en la profundidad de las cuevas era algo fundamental para nuestros antepasados. La aparición de las lámparas hace unos 40.000 años coincide con uno de los grandes cambios culturales que se produjeron en la historia, la aparición del “arte”: pinturas, adornos personales, complejos sistemas de armas… Parece evidente pensar que las lámparas hicieron posible el desarrollo del arte murario en las cuevas, ya que estos objetos permitían tener luz en las profundidades de las cuevas. Por ello es importante conocer qué tipo de combustible y mecha utilizaban para fabricar las lámparasThe aim of the present study is to provide some information about the existence of the lamps in the Upper Paleolithic, an object that has not been studied in depth by the researches. There is not the slightest doubt that in the Prehistory the fire was really important to the humans, because of cold weather in that period. For this reason, the fire was an essential tool in order to heat the enclosures and to endure the cold, the same as cooking, to defend themselves of the wild animals, etc. Also the fire was usefulness to light up, to see in the dark night or in the depth of the caves, something fundamental for our antecedents. The appearance of the lamps 40.000 years ago coincides with one of the great cultural changes of the history, the appearing of Art: paintings, personal ornaments, complex systems of weapons… It seems evident to think that the lamps made possible the development of the rock art in the caves, considering that these objects afforded to have light in the depth of the caves. Because of this it is important to know the type of fuel and wick used by the prehistoric people to manufacture the lamp